After the wedding, Geoffrey, Laurel, and the younger boys spent some time bonding. They were too little to understand what was in store yet.

Nicolas, however, knew what to expect. He'd been through this three times now. His mother married someone, and then they died in a tragic accident. He was beginning to wonder if those accidents were really accidents.
He also wondered if she married Geoffrey in an attempt to lay low. Victor had died eating food, and there was no way to trace that back to anything sinister. Geoffrey was an old man. If he died, everyone would assume it was of old age. He wondered if his mother would let him live that long.

As a result, Nicolas was rather standoffish with Geoffrey. He'd spend time with him if he had to, but he wasn't going to let himself make the same mistake again of getting attached to another new step-father.
He even outright accused Laurel of his suspicions. Nicolas was surprised by how his mother snapped at him. Gone was the loving and caring mother he had been with for the last several years.
Laurel, on her part, was panicking. How could he catch on? She claimed she was doing this for Nicolas, for all of them, so they could grow up with a father in their lives. She tried to sell her devastation, but Nicolas was not having it. He stormed away angrier than ever. Would she have to resort to getting rid of her own kids? No, she wasn't that much of a monster. Not yet anyway.

Laurel went into labor earlier than expected, and blamed the stress of Nicolas's conversation. Laurel was pleased, however, to welcome her first girl to the family, Constance.

Malcolm visited to make his suspicions known. He tried to convince his father that Laurel was just using him, but Geoffrey in turn accused Malcolm of being jealous of his younger siblings. He had replaced a Landgraab heir once before by disowning Johnny Zest, and he'd do it again with Malcolm if he had to.

Both Blaze and Emmett were upset by the move. San Myshuno had been the only home they'd ever known, and now they were in this big scary house.
Nicolas felt bad for his siblings, but it was starting to take an emotional toll on him. He'd try and play them some soothing music to calm them down, but nothing seemed to work.

Once Constance was born, Laurel got to work making sure she had a child that would inherit the Landgraab name and hopefully fortune. Geoffrey was already upset with Malcolm. Maybe having another child would be the thing that would make him push Malcolm away for good. He was way more trouble than he was worth, and if he didn't stop snooping around, Laurel would add him onto her list.

It was soon time for Emmett's birthday, and Laurel waited with baited breath. Emmett had been quite inquisitive as a toddler, she didn't want him growing up and asking even more questions.

Emmett grew up to be a genius, and that set Laurel on edge. If he was suspicious of anything when he was little, she didn't know what to expect now that he was older, especially if Nicolas filled him in on what he knew.
Emmett for his part, seemed just happy to run around the playground Geoffrey had built for the kids. He did still wonder about the mysterious red man he continued to see roaming through the house, but he wanted to play and take his mind off of that.
Laurel smirked when she woke up one day and noticed a bump protruding from her abdomen. Looks like she had an heir on the way.
Malcolm continued stopping by house in an attempt to get his father to come back home and live out his final years in peace.
On one of his visits, he was surprised to see Nicolas bounding out of the house to greet him. Finally, someone to share his suspicions with. As Nicolas told Malcolm everything that had been happening, he finally learned he had a right to be worried.
Nicolas and Malcolm continued talking, trying to come up with a plan. The evidence was too circumstantial to go to the police, at least for now, but Malcolm promised Nicolas a safe haven for him and the rest of his siblings. Once Nicolas became a teen, they were welcome to move in with Malcolm.
Malcolm continued to warn his father about Laurel, but it fell on deaf ears. The only hope he had was getting Nicolas and his siblings away from Laurel and out of her clutches.
Laurel was starting to regret getting involved with the Landgraabs. Things were getting way too messy. On top of that, she was experiencing the worst pregnancy she had, had yet. She wondered if it was the world punishing her for her actions. She was strong though, and she was set to prove she could handle anything life threw at her.

Finally, the day Nicolas had been waiting for arrived. He was going to be a teenager. To him, it meant safety and freedom.
Despite everything that he had went through, Nicolas grew up to be a romantic. If anything, his mother taught him how not to find romance.
Nicolas didn't even bother getting changed before finding his siblings. He didn't care if he had to escape in his pajamas, he just wanted out of there. He ran into Emmett first.
He urgently told him to grab Blaze and Constance, and that he would explain on the way. Emmett just gaped at him, terrified, before turning to run and gather up his younger siblings. Just as he was about to leave, however, he heard the door creak open.
Laurel set there outraged by what she had just heard. No one was leaving this house, and no one was taking her children away from her. NO ONE.
Blaze showed promise in becoming her future protégé, and she was sure she could get Constance to come around as well. They were hers. They were all hers.
Nicolas talked a big talk about how he refused to let her corrupt his siblings, but he was weak, just like his father. Laurel promised to spare his life along with Emmett's in return for leaving Blaze and Constance with her.
With a heavy heart, Nicolas called a cab, and he and Emmett headed back to San Myshuno. At least Nicolas was able to save one of his siblings.
He relayed the news to Malcolm as he arrived at their old apartment in the city.
Malcolm was a little shocked, but not too surprised that Laurel had threatened Nicolas and Emmett. He did his best to reassure Nicolas that he made the best decision he could in that situation.
Nicolas spent the night tossing and turning. In a way, he hoped his siblings would grow up to be exactly what his mother wanted, so they weren't in harm's way, but at the same time, he hated the thought of them gaining her same twisted mindset.
When Geoffrey got home, he asked where Nicolas and Emmett were. Laurel told him that Malcolm had gotten to them and turned them against Geoffrey. She had sent them packing to live with him if they hated it here so badly. Furious, Geoffrey couldn't help but agree. In his eyes, Malcolm was no longer his son.
After Nicolas and Emmett left, time crawled on as Laurel waited for Geoffrey to die. Laurel was starting to think this plan was a bad idea. She kept reminding herself not to be impatient. Geoffrey dying of natural causes was the best thing for everyone.
In the meantime, Constance had a a birthday. She grew up to be an independent little girl. Good. That was just what Laurel wanted, a child who already at such a young age, knew what she wanted and how to get it.
Blaze also had a birthday and showed signs of being a kleptomaniac. Laurel's children were turning out better than she could have hoped for. She was sure Blaze's sticky fingers, and Constance's independent attitude would come in handy down the line.
Finally, after what felt like decades of waiting, Geoffrey kicked the bucket. He collapsed lifelessly on the bathroom floor as Laurel got out of the shower. Now she didn't have to deal with him anymore.
Nicolas, on the other hand, dared to show his face again hurling all sorts of accusations at her. No matter what he said though, no one could prove anything happened, aside from Geoffrey dying of natural causes.
Laurel's next call was an unusual one, given how Father Winter felt about her last Winterfest. She restrained herself from rolling her eyes when he showed up, still decked out in his Winterfest attire.
He congratulated her on expecting a new child, but he seemed to have a knowing look in his eye. It looked like Laurel would have to do this the hard way. Oh well, a challenge just made things more fun.
Dangle a mistletoe, mixed with the powerful scent of a love potion over his head, Father Winter soon became putty in her hands.
She was about to propose right then and there, when her next child decided to make themselves known to the world.
She glanced at little Bernard for mere seconds, before tossing him in the crib. Laurel had more important matters to attend to.
Matters like getting Father Winter to agree to marry her before the love potion wore off.

She decided to extend an olive branch to Nicolas and Emmett one last time by inviting them to her wedding. She soon realized that they were just too moral and full of themselves for her taste. Laurel made sure to tell them not to show their faces again after the wedding, or there would be hell to pay.
She couldn't believe how easy it been to get these men to agree to be with her. Sure she broke up some marriages, and had to confuse
Father Winter, but aside from all that, she barely had to lift a finger. Father Winter was a real catch too. Apparently delivering toys to children came with a nice fat paycheck, as he brought half a million dollars into Laurel's bank account.
Plus, Laurel had tricked a magical, supposedly all knowing man into her home. Surely once she disposed of him, she would get some kind of credit from Vlad. She wouldn't go to him just yet, though. Laurel wanted to make sure she had a few more impressive kills under her belt first.
+5 for randomizing the Black Widow's traits
+50 for spouses (Travis Scott, Diego Lobo, Victor Feng, Geoffrey Landgraab, Father Winter)
+30 for each of Travis's promotions
+10 for Geoffrey's promotion
+50 for each child (Nicolas, Emmett, Blaze, Constance, Bernard)
+120 for each child from a unique parent (Nicolas - Travis Scott, Emmett - Diego Lobo, Blaze - Victor Feng, Constance - Tamachi the repairman, Bernard - Geoffrey Landgraab)
+200 for each partner that dies (Travis, Diego, Victor, Geoffrey)
+120 for each unique death (Travis - Overheating, Diego - Death by Anger, Victor - Pufferfish Nigiri, Geoffrey - Old Age)
+10 for each marriage broken up (Victor and Lily Feng, Geoffrey and Nancy Landgraab)
+50 for each aspiration completed (Soulmate)
Total: 645
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