Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Perfect Genetics Alphabetacy Generation 0.2

 Welcome back to the Perfect Alphabetacy where we're trying for pink haired and pink eyed kiddos. This kiddo is Amos, second born. He has the hair but not the eyes. His stomach is also a bottomless pit because he constantly needs to be fed. I'm pretty sure he eats at least four meals a day, no exaggeration.

 Our founding spouse, Angela is pregnant again. We're hoping to get a baby with the right genes this time around.

 Angela continues looking for odd jobs for the family to get money. At one point they only had $6 to their name.

 Amos is of course being potty trained. I feel a little bad not really caring about the other kids' skills, but at the same time, they won't be taking over the legacy, and I'm not getting points for them.

 I don't remember why I took this picture. Probably just another example of Luna being dramatic. Seriously, she's always pulling such extreme facial expressions.

 "Someone come quick! Fix the dollhouse!"

You broke it. You fix it.

"I can't hold a hammer."

 Edwin, who was one of the welcome wagon sims, keeps inviting himself over. I was hoping since he was at the house, we wouldn't need to send the kids to daycare while Angel and Luna worked, but I was wrong.


 "Why did he wake me up?" *gasp*

Angela definitely pulls her fair share of funny and exaggerated facial expressions too.

 Amos was too stinky for even a dip in the pool to help with his hygiene, so I've now added a bathtub to the communal bathroom.

 "Can I have your food? Amos is hungry!"

"No this is mommy's food."

 They returned for daycare like this. I have no idea what happened to Alec there that made him so filthy, but I'm inclined to not send him back.

 Remember when the ball pit had an even worse flat texture? Yeah, those were bad times.

 "No, no you play dolls like this Amos."

"Mommy is too old for dolls."

"You're never too old for dolls."

 Eating again. Seriously kid, are you ever not hungry?

 Amos and Alec get along really well. It's super cute. I missed a picture of them hugging, but they're always hanging out.

 Aaand Amos breaks the dollhouse again. You really are fussy, aren't you?

 I had Angela make bread sticks just because I was having cheese bread sticks for dinner that night. They look surprisingly good for in game food.

 "This bread stick is as big as my face!"

He ate four of them before he was finally not hungry anymore, in case anyone was wondering.

 Sure, that's a totally safe place to sleep. Not like you could fall off that floatie and drown. (Well at least she can't since it's the sims.)

 Baby time! Angela gave birth to a little girl named Amara. I'm getting suspicious of all these single births. Usually my game is not nearly so nice to me.

 Did you just but that birthday cake back in the refrigerator?


But we were going to use that for Alec's birthday.

"Whatever. I'm done for the day."

Rude maid!

 Well it's time for Alec's birthday! It seems like his toddler years went by really quickly.

 Here's a not so great picture of him post birthday. He has the Rambunctious Scamp aspiration and the Cat Lover trait.

 I didn't know that Angela and Luna were even a part of Club Cosplay, let alone that Angela was the leader. It must have happened when I was moving in the other sims to the neighborhood.

 Just Alec, sadly chillin' on the floatie. I still adore him and wish he could be heir.

 It looks like this popcorn machine is not bottomless, and Angela has snagged the last bowl. Whatever will the toddlers do now? They're completely obsessed with eating popcorn.

 Luna is still working away at her aspiration. She's at level five in her career right now too.

 "You're big now."

"I know, but we'll always be best friends."

They just warm my heart.

 "Really,  you had to break now? I hate these appliances! I hate everything!"

See, also very dramatic.

 Amara grows up and has the eyes but not the hair. *sigh*

She gained the charmer trait. Thank goodness she's not fussy like her brothers.

 Since Amara doesn't meet the heir criteria, it's time to try for another baby.

 Yet again, Amos is getting some food. His hunger bar was even completely filled after eating the spaghetti. Maybe he's glitched?

 Please don't die, please don't die!

 "So I'm pregnant again. Why do I have to be the one to get pregnant?"

"Because I carried the last two pregnancies. We're sharing this."

"But I was miserable when I was pregnant!"

"And you think I wasn't?"

 Angela takes a break away from the family doing an odd job at the beautiful island of Sulani. I love the reds in this picture!

 At least she's combing the beach for shells this time instead of trash.

 "Argh! Those stupid seagulls stole my seashell. It was the first one I found after hours! Mark my words, I will get my revenge on you."

 While Angela looked for seashells, these two townies pissed each other off. I have no idea what was going on here, but I'm on purple bathing suite's side. The other townie kept bugging Angela while she tried to work.

 "Better make myself some dinner. It looks like this is going to be an all nighter"

 It took several more hours, but Angela finally found a seashell."

 "That seashell was so pretty. I almost hate to send it away. Almost. Maybe if I wasn't getting paid for it."

 He's just so cute! I think I will work on the child aspirations. Just to give me something to do aside from the endless baby making.

 Alec earns more good points with me by doing his homework at his desk.

 Luna's moving on up in her career. Of course I chose the musician path for her.

 She needed to build her piano skill, so after a little rearranging, I managed to fit in a keyboard for her to use.

 I feel like I'm ignoring Amara, but she is cute and is staying out of trouble. Also I feel like she has Angela's mouth. That definitely looks like Angela's smile.

 Sibling bounding time!

 It looks like someone made more popcorn. That doesn't look like a really comfortable place to eat it, though.

 Time for the Romance Festival!

"Why do you keep making me drink weird drinks when I'm pregnant?"

 Here's one of the other neighborhood couples, Hadley and Julia. I'm excited to see that there's going to be more babies around!

 Apparently Father Winter also needs some romance in his life. What about Mrs. Claus Mother Winter?

 Angela went to the Romance Guru for a reading. He said her and Luna's destiny was an odd one, and it made Angela sad.

 I took this picture just because I thought it was funny. Hadley looks so mad.

 "I thought you said this was supposed to be fun. Nothing about this is fun."

"I agree. Let me finish my Ramen, and we'll go home."

They were both super miserable, so I guess I'm not sending them out to the Romance Festival next time it comes around.

 "Remember how miserable I am when I'm pregnant."

Yes, how could I forget.

"Well, I just wanted to make sure you remembered. My back is killing me."

 Amara tries to enjoy dinner and ignores the floating bowl of stinky popcorn. How did that even happen?

 Time for Amos to become a child!

 He has the Whiz Kid aspiration and the Self Assured trait.

 "Omg my babies are getting so big!"

Don't worry, there's plenty more where they came from.

 "Haha look at this little cat! Isn't he adorable?"

 Luna gives birth, and of course I jinxed myself by thinking about multiples. She gives birth to twins Ainsley and Alaric.

 "Look at my dinosaur! Isn't he neat?"

"He sure is!"

Edwin kind of lives at their house. He's always inviting himself over.

 Time for school projects! They both managed to make excellent quality projects for extra credit.

 They continue being studious kiddos and do their homework right away. I love them.

 "I'm so tired."

You're not even pregnant anymore.

"Try having five kids!"

 Time for the twins to grow up! Alaric does not have the hair or eyes. He gained the Clingy trait.

 "Why is there another me?"

I thought this was funny. Amara looked so sad, and Ainsley looked pretty smug. It is pretty weird though. Ainsley grew up with same hair and dress that Amara originally had.

 Amara also does not have the hair or the eyes. She gained the Silly trait.

"We're doing this again?"

"Looks like it."

Hopefully the sixth time is the charm? Join me next time to find out!

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