Aaaand this was the first whim she rolled. Just lovely. I can tell she's really going to enjoy this challenge.
I'm sorry, but I think it's hilarious how Arizona managed to build up such a great reputation. Her reputation and bonus traits don't match her personality at all.
"Ivy, honey, don't you think you should pay attention to your sister's wedding? you can always do homework another time."
"Has she ever paid attention or cared about me? No. So homework it is."
"Why can't this family be normal?"
"Staring at the wall, this paint is a really nice shade."
"Don't you care about mommy getting married?"
"I think I should paint my room this color."
"Oh yeah, I was married to this one evil chick, but she doesn't exist in this universe anymore, so it's all good."
"You're not going to drop me, are you?"
"Nah, I really like you. Plus you make mom in the sky mad."
"Since literally no one will pay attention to us, I say let's go ahead and get married. Even though I need attention, or I die a little inside."
"Well, I'm paying attention, so that's all that matters."
"Thanks, I spent most of my moms' savings on it. It was really fun to pick out the most expensive ring I could find."
"We're not completely broke now are we?"
"No, trust me I couldn't live like that."
"I think we missed the whole wedding."
"Relax, Lucy said it started at noon."
"It's two."
"Oh well, my sister and I never got along anyway."
"Remind me what I'm doing here again Dylan."
"We're one big happy family Ollie! I married Lucy, and Lucy is Arizona's sister, so since you're my brother, that makes us all family."
"Yes, we're a family."
"I didn't sign up for this. I think I'm going to leave."
"But you have to stay for the wedding!"
"As your brother-in-law pointed out, it's over. I'm leaving."
"Not really. Meg hates children, and I'm a child."
"I'm sure she doesn't hate you."
"I wouldn't be too sure about that. You know how many fairy tales have evil stepmothers?"
Arjun finally made his way inside to read Ruth a story. I guess he wants some practice in case he has kids of his own.
"We're going on a nice, tropical honeymoon?"
"We live in Sulani."
"You couldn't have waited until after the wedding?"
"I know you don't like kids, but you should like your own, right?"
"Makes you want to have some of our own, doesn't it."
"As long as they're not as crazy as your family."
"I can't make any promises."
"You just got married, shouldn't that have been your favorite part."
"I'm hungry, and I like food."
"You and my sister are kind of perfect for each other."
"So Ivy, now that I'm married, I can't just go around hooking up with random strangers to have the rest of my kids. Do you think you could find someway for me to get DNA and impregnate myself?"
"Why don't you just have kids with Meg?"
"I'm having one with her, but for some reason I need to have twenty pregnancies with twenty different people. It's like the law or something."
"What makes you think I'd even know how to do that."
"I'm barely keeping a B average for some reason. Plus mom wears glasses, and I wouldn't say she's smart."
"Yeah, never mind then."
"No problem, I always have time for a game of chess."
"Why does everyone think I'm smart just because I have glasses?"
"Mommy told me."
"Of course she did."
"Ugh, don't be so judgmental."
"Yeah, chill Arizona."
"A flashcard!"
"I guess you're not wrong."
"Are you still on about this?"
"Yes, she's mean."
"Have you even talked to her."
"And you do remember you have the mean trait don't you?"
"I'm not pretending. I'm part of the family now, so I'm going to help your mommy raise all of you."
"But you hate kids!"
"I'll come to think of you as my own, probably."
"You wanted to be mean to a kid, and I'm the only kid in the house."
"Don't take it personally, okay. It's just the code."
"What code?"
"I'll explain it to you when you're older."
"Well, I can't stop eating it now. I already started."
"Yes you can!"
"I don't think that's how it works."
"That's what I do, oh and Lucy? You need to stick around, so I can paint you."
"But I'm pregnant, and yucky looking."
"Too bad. I need a picture of you."
"Bet you don't miss living here."
"Not one bit."
"Well, it's three in the morning, but I finally finished my project. Thanks everyone for not helping me."
"What? Sorry I zoned out. This pasta is delicious."
That's probably as good as you're going to get from my simself.
Lucy joins the wall of photos! I love how all the kids look happy, but Fidele and my simself look miserable.
"Where does it come out?"
"My plumbob?"
"Don't even talk to me. Arizona made me try on outfits she thought might look ugly to see if she was right. She wanted a makeover."
Are you going to change?
"I'm too exhausted from dealing with her to change right now."
"I have a present for you."
"Oh my gosh! You totally should have!"
"I heard you wanted to try and be famous, and all fame starts on Simtube these days."
"Of course she got me an alien drone. I don't know why I expected anything different. At least it can record my fabulous face."
"No, that's great for her."
"Did you know that I'm still pregnant after like one hundred years."
"Don't be dramatic. I've been pregnant. It might feel like forever, but you'll have the baby eventually."
"That wasn't reassuring at all."
"I saw a child."
What happened to raising them as your own?
"I still don't like looking at them."
"Maybe it should stay in there."
"Uh, no."
Well, unfortunately you're going to have to help with your grandkids.
"Why? Life is so unfair."
"Why won't you give me a chance. I want to bond with you?"
"Maybe if I eat popcorn, I'll have the baby. That's all it's going to eat anyway."
Then go to bed.
"Must, finish, game."
"Thanks. I'm surprised you came considering we never got along."
"I can tolerate you a lot more now that we aren't living together anymore."
"Honestly? I'm more concerned about why I haven't had this baby yet."
"Nope. You knew what you were getting yourself into when you married my sister. I'm outta here."
Ivy's final trait ended up being Evil, which totally doesn't suit her at all.
"Yes! Hot girl dropped on my front lawn! Hang on a second and let me pose for a portrait, and I'll be right back."
Hot girl is named Edwyna Goth. She's from one of my friends, but I'm not sure if she's on the gallery or not.
"What was that?"
"Is that the best you can come up with?"
"Yes? I've never flirted with anyone before. I'm sorry."
Followed quickly by a proposal and marriage because this is the sims. Ivy and Edwyna have moved out. We'll see what life has in store for them.
I ended up having to use MCCC to set Arizona to go into labor. She would not have this baby for some reason.
"But I wanna see the baby!"
"Nope, you need to go to bed."
"Take me instead. He's smelly."
"What? No! Your friend just said you were really cool, and I wanted to talk to you."
"Done. I'm now pregnant with your baby."
"How is that even possible? We never even touched each other."
"This world is magic."
I'm still not convinced you know which kid is which.
"Rue and I have a special bond. The other Rue is just kinda there."
Ruth grew up with the Evil trait and Artistic Prodigy aspiration. We now have an evil sim, a mean sim, and one who hates children. Joy.
Ruelle grew up with the Lazy trait and the Social Butterfly aspiration.
"Mom is making me do homework even though I don't have school today."
"I love popcorn!"
I see you're pregnant.
"Yep with twins again!"
I'm really hoping MCCC is lying to me like it has in the past.
"If it is, I'm actually having triplets instead."
Please no.
"What's your deal mom?"
"You haven't given me a grandbaby yet."
"I just moved out two days ago."
"No thanks, nerd!"
"If I'm a nerd, wouldn't that mean I could help you."
"Mom told me your glasses were a lie. You're not actually smart."
This picture is to show how cute Aubrey's room is, and to show a child actually doing homework at a desk.
"I can't believe I'm getting old."
Honestly, me neither. It's weird to see myself get old.
Here's my oldie simself. She grew up with no bonus days, and only has eleven days as an elder. I don't think she'll even get to see Aubrey age into a teen.
She wasn't the only one with a birthday. Ianto grew up too and got the Charmer trait. He's a cutie!
I'll end this chapter with some updates on the extended family.
My sims must be in an adopting mood because Arjun and his wife adopted a little girl. I forgot to get a picture, but Avery and his wife started a pregnancy. No news from Ivy yet.
Next time I'll deal with more multiples. So exciting! (Not). Thanks for reading!
Oh my goodness, your family is a bit of a mess at times, but super fun. The kids are cute, and Arizona is just too funny. Great update.
ReplyDeleteI love this family because they're such a mess lol! I'm sure things will only get more chaotic the more kids that are born. Arizona is so much fun to play and write for. Thanks!