Thursday, April 16, 2020

Genetic Roulette Chapter 6

Hello and welcome back to the Kane Genet Roulette! It's been a bit so let's recap. Diana (a fairy) married Dionyza (a vampire) and set about to have 14 kids. Diana stayed at home and wanted to max  her painting and guitar skill, while Dionyza worked as a scientist and wanted to reach level 9 in the career. They have had seven kids so far Edgar (fairy), Francisca (vampire), Gertrude(fairy), Hubert (fairy), Isabella (vampire), and Joseph (vampire). At the end of the last update, Edgar became a young adult and moved out, and Diana was expecting baby number seven.

(Also I apologize in advance for my poor picture taking skills.)

 We start this update off with the Llama Mascot dropping off yet another uni pack since Isabella aged up into a teen. I hate to break it to him, but no one is going to uni. NO ONE.

 I also remembered that I needed to age up Joseph. At some point he glitched and the rest of the household had trouble interacting with him. During that time he also wasn't aging. He's now almost a full week younger than Isabella.

None the less, here is child Joseph! I gave him a panda hat since I was going to miss his lil cupcake hat he had as a toddler. Joseph's new trait is Brave.

 "Isn't this the most beautiful painting you've ever seen?"

"It's a fish on a white background. It's not that great mom."

"Someone's in a foul mood today. Did Francisca drain all the fun out of you too?"

"Now I understand why you want to get away from this house."

"Two more days!"

 Joseph is really enjoying being the youngest and having all the kids' toys to himself.

 "I really need to shower, but there's obviously a trap here. Meh how bad could it be."

She ended up with yellow hair, that's how bad it was. At least it matches her shirt?

 I didn't know the gumball machine could run out, but apparently it can. This family goes through so many gumballs it was completely empty.

 "Do you think I could skip school today? I mean sure I have a D, and I keep getting put in time out, but mom's to distracted to notice."

 Distracted by "rocking out" I suppose.

This super grainy picture is to show that Dionyza completed her life time want!

 I don't think I've ever seen her so happy standing outside of work.

"I can quit now right? I don't have to work ever again?"

You have to support fourteen kids, so no.

"You just ruined the best day of my life."

 "I age up in a few hours. I'm just going to sleep until then, grow up, move out, and forget this place ever existed."

 Did you get caught skipping school again?

"No I went. I just insulted mom, so she put me in time out. It's no fair! My boyfriend's here, and he's going to think I'm some kind of baby whose mommy put him in time out."

Well, that's kind of exactly what you are.

 I've like massively screwed up everyone's sleep schedules. Everyone's pretty much exhausted by six or seven at night.

 "Wake up everyone and celebrate me!"

 "Ugh I just fell asleep! Why are you doing this?"

"I can't wait for  you to leave."

"Woo happy birthday! *toot* Take me with you."

 Here's young adult Francisca. Her traits are Grumpy, Artistic, Eco Friendly, Night Owl, Kleptomaniac, and Inappropriate.

I had her hang around a bit to see if I could marry her off to Alfred, who was a teen she was interested in but had aged up earlier, but it didn't work. I ended up moving her in with him and starting a pregnancy for the two of them.

 Since everyone's up I guess it's time to do homework. I'll never get them sleeping at a normal time.

 This picture is just to show off how pretty Isabella is. I think she and Gertrude are the prettiest sims so far.

 "I just wanted to let you know that I don't want to be your best friend anymore Gertrude. I don't want to talk to you ever again."

"You know what, at this point I don't care. You're rude all the time, and you keep being creepy about the fact that you're dating my girlfriend's brother."

"I thought you'd be more upset. *sniffles* I guess our friendship meant nothing at all."

"Whatever. Like I said. Don't care."

 "Videogaming counts as a profession right? I can just game and not work anymore?"

You're still working. The only thing I can promise is I'll switch out your job once you reach the top of your career.

"Level nine is almost level ten."

 "I call this song, I'm About to Go into Labor SOMEONE HELP ME!"

 Little Kate joins the family and possibly has a new wing color? Anyway, Kate's traits are Loves the Outdoors and Genius. She likes Kids music, Hot Dogs, and the color Lime.

 "Haha look at that fairy! Her wings look so stupid."

"And you have a stupid name. What the hell kind of name is Rainflower?"

"Mom can you stop yelling? I just want to go to bed."

 I have no idea why he just busted into their house like this, but I wish he'd leave.

 "Hey you're kind of cute I guess? How did I get stuck taking care of you? I know nothing about babies, and I'm the least responsible one here."

*spits up*

"Ugh gross. I'm putting you back now."

 "I am *burps* pregnant again? Could it be?"

Yes it could, and yes you are. Gotta get some more kids in.

 "Where'd our other chair go."

"No idea. I bet Francisca stole it when she left."

"What would she want with our chair?"

"So she wouldn't have to pay for her own furniture?"

"What else did she take? Did she take our bunk beds?"

"Chill Hubert, you were just sleeping there."

"Oh, yeah I was."

 "So you think you can take on me, the master of all things gaming?"

"Uh, yes?"

"Bold, I like it. I approve of you."

"Thank you?"

 "Werewolves are stupid."

"Are we going to reignite this ridiculous feud?"

"No, I just think  you're stupid because I'm apparently too young to read your mind or hunt you down for blood."

"Next time Hubert wants to go on a date, we're gong to my house."

 "I love that my children respect video games as much as I do. I taught them well."

 Diana shows she is indeed pregnant by changing into a more inappropriate swimwear outfit than I had her in originally.

"Gotta show everyone I still have a hot bod even after having seven kids."

 "Can you hand me Kate. It's my turn to spend time with her."

"My baby!"

"She's our baby, and you get to spend twenty-four seven with her since you don't work."

"I will not let go."

"Baby hog!"

 Isabella is currently having a meltdown because ???

"She'll get over it."

You're such an awesome big brother Hubert.

"I know."

 So Edgar and his husband Estavan invited the family over to their house for a party, but they weren't there. The first guest was this werewolf chick.

 "Boooo this party sucks! Edgar isn't even here."

"I agree. It's rude to be late to your own party. I thought we raised him better than this."

 "I like your look. Goth is so in right now."

"Like you would know. You're so basic."

"Wow okay."

"Can you shut that kid up?"

"What kid?"

 Apparently the only member of Edgar's family that attended the party was his daughter Natalie, whom he left crying on the kitchen floor. Nice.

 Back at home, Kate grows up, and she's the first one to have pink hair! I'm sad she's not a fairy like I originally thought, but PINK HAIR! Also, I don't think anyone else has had green eyes either. Kate threw me some cool genetics. Thanks Kate!

 For some reason her hairstyle changed, but she's still cute!

 Meanwhile, Gerturde was stuck at home while everyone else partied since she did an after school task. It gave her some time to spend alone with her girlfriend, Wilhemina.

 They also started officially dating!

"Good for you. Can we go home now? You know how upset dad gets when we break curfew."

"I'll see you later?"

"Count on it cutie!"

 "Ugh this party is so lame. They don't even have food!"

"Agreed. It's full of rude people too. Let's bounce."

 "Mom where did all these people come from. I don't think I ever saw Edgar bring a friend home once when he lived with us."

"Oh honey, Edgar doesn't have friends. Those are just people he hired to make himself look popular for the party."

"You can do that?"

 Skill time for Kate!

"Can you say vampires are better than fairies?"

Hey! I'd actually prefer to have more fairy babies in the house. The last several have been vampires.

 "Note to self. Do not try and hang off the rim when dunking a basketball when pregnant."

 "Just chilling here reading a book. Nothing I could get grounded for."

Depends on what kind of book you're reading.

 Honestly I think Diana looks like she's possessed in this picture since I can't see her pupils.

 You know you could just fly up to the top, right?

"And where would be the fun in that? I want to appreciate all the work it took me to get here."

 I got a message that Hubert became more fit or something along those lines.

"Check out these guns, baby!"

 "Aren't you sad that prom's coming up, and you don't have anyone to go with?"

"Of course! Why do you have to rub it in? Are there anymore Wolfe siblings I can date."

"Absolutely not! I am not dealing with more sibling/sibling-in-law weirdness."

 Hubert invited Waylon over to secure his date for prom.

 Gertrude, however, wasn't able to get a hold of Wilhemina.

"You know that means you technically don't have a date to prom either, right?"

"Shut up Isabella!"

"I wouldn't be threatening the girl holding the darts."

 "Ah any day now the nursery will be full of the pitter patter of more little feet."

"Mommy get me out of this cage."

"It's not a cage sweetie, it's a play pen."

 Diana got the option to boost her celebrity status by visiting the lounge. Apparently it was a real hotspot. Unfortunately, she ended up going into labor as soon as she arrived terrifying all the customers.

 Another girl, and another vampire. Welcome little Lavinia to the family! She has the Insane and Neurotic traits (oh boy), and she likes Indie music, PB&J, and Spice Brown.

Next time? These two goofballs grow up, and there'll likely be another baby or two.

+30 for Dionyza achieving her Life Time Wish
+15 (5 for white eyes and 10 green for hair) for Edgar
+20 (10 each for pink eyes and green hair) for Francisca
Total: 65

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