Sunday, December 15, 2019

Genetic Roulette Challenge Chapter 4

So I needed a refresher on what happened last time, and well a bunch of babies were born, and that's pretty much it. Not that I expected much else. Let's get back to the kids and the chaos
 Francisca is going through a mood swing, which  you know is just fantastic. It's not like she wasn't grumpy enough anyway.

Francisca: I hate everything. I'm not going to school today, just so you know.

I know you rolled the want to skip school, but that's  not happening. Sorry.

 I think this sums up the mood of everyone in the house. Everyone is completely exhausted all the time.

 Francisca: I am a video game master! No one will ever beat my high score!

I can't really remember how the social groups work that came with University, but Francisca is now in the Nerd social group. She also started a blog and gained an extra trait. Francisca added Kleptomaniac to her list of traits.

 Isabelle was kind of lacking in skills, which we needed to take care of.

Also, how cool would it be to fly everywhere or just hover in the air? No more sore feat!

 Diana: The babies won't stop screaming! I can't take it.

That's probably the smoke detector considering you burn whatever that's supposed to be.

Diana: No it's all the babies.

You only have one baby in the house...

 This is someone. Honestly I forgot her name, and she never shows up again. It's cool to see another fairy though.

 Sooo this child that came home with you is off doing homework, and you two are playing in the sand? Who's the adult here.

Diana: I'm working on ideas for my next masterpiece by creating them in the sand first.

Francisca: I'm technically still a kid. I can play in the sand if I want.

 Edgar and Hubert decided that instead of coming home to do their homework, they'd rather sit outside, in the dark, at an abandoned lot to do it. You do you I guess.

 Back at home, Gertrude decided to go on a train ride on the model train station. I didn't realize fairies could do this. It's super cool!

 Gertrude spent her remaining time that evening trying to become friends with Wilhemina Wolff.

Wilhemina: I don't know. A fairy and a werewolf being friends? That's a little weird.

Gertrude: I like your fur. It's cool.

Wilhemina: Uh thanks, I like your wings. They're sparkly.

 Francisca is off on a date with Alfred, who she met right before prom.

 However, Alfred had just had is young adult birthday, so they couldn't do anything.

Francisca: This is a waste of time.

Alfred: We can still be friends?

Francisca: Whatever.

 Francisca: Yeah, no I'm not feeling it. Especially with that weirdo that's been standing there the whole time watching us.

 I was taken back to the house because Diana was gong into labor. Time for the last baby (for a little bit anyway) to be born!

 Francisca got busted by the fairy police for being out past curfew.

 Back at home, Diana gave birth to little Joseph. Joseph is Disciplined and Good. He likes Beach Party Music, Fried PB&J (I don't know why like almost all the kids have that as their favorite food), and the color Lime.

 Hubert: I can't believe mom just had another baby.

Edgar: You better get used to it buddy. There's a lot more where that one came from.

 Gertrude: Woo I got two gumballs! Best. Day. Ever.

 Gertrude: I am now queen of the gumballs. I will be a benevolent ruler as long as you don't try and steal them from me.

 Estevan, who was a temporary baby sitter for the younger kids while I got Diana out of the house, asked Edgar on a date!

 They seem to get along pretty well. I think they're cute together!

 After hanging out at the park for a while, Edgar and Estevan decided to head over to one of the karaoke bars. They spent most of their time gaming and taking cute pictures together instead of singing.

 I sent Dionyza out fishing because it's really the only skill she needs to work on for her job.

Dionyza: Well it's not like I can fish during the day. I don't know why I'd want to catch sewer fish anyway.

Sewer fish?

Dionyza: They're gross looking, so they belong in the sewer.

 Dionyza: Great, just what I need, to get eaten by a zombie fairy. I'm out. Have fun with the sewer fish zombie fairy.

 When I reloaded the game after a few days, this happened. I don't know exactly what this is though.

Dionyza: Just a vampire mother bonding with her vampire daughter.

 Hubert and Gertrude are fairy frolicking, whatever that does. I think it's cute when they turn into little balls of light like that.

 Hubert wants to be friends with everyone, and he decided what better way than to tell everyone a ghost story about Zombie Carl.

Hubert: Actually it's a ghost story about pirates.

Dionyza: I don't care what it's about. Is it almost finished because I'm about to catch on fire.

 Francisca: This is your baby. Why aren't you taking care of it?

Dionyza: Your little brother has a name, and it's Joseph by the way.

Francisca: Here, take it. I'm bored. I need to make a new blog post.

 Francisca: And no one takes care of these kids except me! I'm sick of it.

Edgar: Chill out, you just had to feed Joseph a bottle like once.

Francisca: That's one time too many!

 Francisca: Yes I'm a celebrity now. What of it?

Hubert: Celebrities still have to take out the trash.

Francisca: No they don't. Now that I'm a celebrity, I don't have to do anymore chores.

Hubert: Can I be one too?

Francisca: You already are.

Now that both Francisca and Diana are celebrities, all the kids have at least one star once they hang around them enough.

 Diana: How dare you skip school!

Hubert: Celebrities don't have to go to school.

Diana: That's not how that works. Get out of my sight!

 Gertrude is still working on befriending Wilhemina.

Wilhemina: Have you ever been arrested before?

Gertrude: No, but I want to some day. I'm super rebellious.

Willhemina: Let's break curfew. Then we'll both get arrested.

They both need better parents.

 While Gertrude was out visiting, Isabelle grew up. She had those pigtails, so I just let her keep them. She gained the Perfectionist trait.

 Gertrude also got to have her birthday surrounded by werewolves. All of them were happy for her except that one guy. He just kept pointing and laughing.

 Gertrude is the first one so far that I think is actually a nice mix of her parents. She gained the Social Butterfly trait. It totally fits, she wants friends and has wings! I grew up Wilhemina too as a possible girlfriend for her.

 NO! I didn't think any of the kids had these creepy things, but I guess I'm going to have to deal with them now. *sigh*

 Francisca: Where are my moms? Why am I holding this baby again?

 Edgar: I'm growing up in a few days. Make sure you look out for everyone, okay?

Hubert: Why don't you ask Francisca or Gertrude to look after everyone?

Edgar: Did you hear what you just said?

Hubert: Isabelle?

Edgar: I guess she's okay. You two will have to fend for yourselves.

 Francisca: Why won't this baby shut up! Look Edgar I'm holding him again. This is torture.

Edgar: You ran in here as soon as he started crying! I was about to feed him, but you decided to feed him yourself!

Francisca: Lies! I would never voluntarily look after my siblings.

 Sorry Gertrude! I'll make sure you get to bed pronto.

 So, Gertrude invited this girl home from school. She put some dishes in the dishwasher, and everyone promptly lost it over that. After having a good freak out over the dishwasher, they all went back to sleep.

 And Joseph had a birthday! He's the first one to have Diana's hair, and he has Dionyza's eyes.

Here is with a cupcake hat because I think it's cute.

This where I'm ending for now. Next time Edgar will become a young adult, and baby number 7 will most likely be on the way!


  1. Ah, poor Francisca, having to look after the babies is the bad part about being one of the eldest in a family with many kids. Do you have the swings from the Store? They are brilliant for keeping the babies in decent moods.

    1. Yeah all my older kids end up looking after the younger ones a bit in my big families. I do, but I don't remember if I added them after this chapter. Room in the nursery was a bit tight for a while.
