Hello and welcome to the Close Encounter Academy. My founder, Icarus Copeland, has ventured out on his own to study aliens, science and all the mysteries of the supernatural world.
Icarus set up his house as a science liar. This would be sure to help him with his work and studies.
He decided to start working on a rocket right away. He used to have a rocket ship back home due to his mother being an astronaut. He hoped some of her rocket science skills had passed down to him.
Next up food. You can't study the galaxy on an empty stomach! He made some new vegetable dish he'd never heard of.
All too soon, it was his first day of work. Icarus had gotten little sleep last night. Was he cut out to be a scientist? Sure his family had an extensive background in science, but that didn't mean he'd be any good at it.
He was surprised to learn that both his boss and most of his coworkers were part alien. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.
As the days went on, Icarus learned how to make many inventions and serums. His favorite was the food serum. It was great for late nights at the lab.
His favorite new invention was his freeze ray. He decided to test it out on his coworker Sean Pepper.
Sean: I know what you're going to do, and please don't. It takes for ever to unthaw, and I look hideous in blue.
Icarus: Sorry that was too much fun. You'll unfreeze eventually. Maybe? I don't really know.
Soon it was Love Day, and Icarus wanted to go on a date. He called up his boss because he always thought he was kind of cute.
Unfortunately, Icarus learned too late that his boss was married. Hopefully things wouldn't be awkward at work.
Embarrassed, Icarus decided to spend the rest of the night looking for stars and aliens.
He also managed to finish his rocket ship. He couldn't wait to start upgrading it, when he had more money at least.
Sean: You froze him didn't you.
Icarus: I don't know what you're talking about?
Sean: Just because you're standing in front of him, doesn't mean I can't see him.
Icarus: Fine, you caught me.
Despite Sean's objections to Icarus's beloved freeze ray, the two got along quite well and shared their first kiss. Looks like a little office romance is blooming!
Collection days were boring days.
Icarus usually ended up working overtime in addition to his regular shifts, which lead to him falling asleep in some strange places.
Icarus finally had enough metals and crystals to upgrade his freeze ray. There was no stopping him! He could do anything with it. Even rule the world!
He decided to make a rose perfume serum to give him the courage to ask Sean to be his boyfriend.
Not only did he manage to do that, but he proposed to Sean as well. They discussed wedding plans, and decided to get married on the weekend. Sean and his daughter would move in with Icarus because his place was bigger.
And after living in his new home for just a week, Icarus managed to get abducted. He returned from the aliens with a little surprise.
As for the skills that really matter, Icarus was well on his way to maxing out his rocket science and logic skills.
Despite his hard work, his career hadn't really taken off yet.
Rules and stuff
Normal Life SpanCreate a YA (no occult). Gender is not restricted. Choose what you wish.Aspiration and traits are not restricted. Choose what you wish.Lot size and World/Neighborhood is not restricted. Choose what you wish.One of the Lot traits must be: Science LairEnter the Scientist Career.
Your mission is complete when you meet one or both of these:
- Reach all 2.1 mission objectives (goals) found below.
- Your alien child reaches YA.
- Max the Logic Skill (8/10)
- Max the Rocket Science Skill (7/10)
- Max the Scientist Career (3/10)
- Become chosen [abducted] by the alien league 3 times. (1/3)
(Males) Become pregnant and give birth to an alien baby via this choosing [abduction].
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