We start off this update with my simself teaching Ianto to potty.
"I guess I'm the potty trainer now."
Surprising considering how many 'accidents' you've had.
"You should've taken better care of me."
Birthday parties are a pain, and we have a giant household and extended family as is. Didn't you want to spend it alone anyway.
"I might not be evil, yet, but I can practice. I'm just really mad I have to join scouts. It's boring and dumb."
Well, you'll thank me when you're older.
"Not if I'm not heir!"
But if you are, you'll get a neat bonus trait to help you out.
"Whatever. After mom has a million more babies, everyone will have forgotten about me anyway."
"Maybe because he's your kid?"
"Nah, that can't be it."
"You don't have any responsibilities. Grandmas just do everything for you."
"That's because I'm an adult. I don't have to do anything."
"Uh, pretty sure that's not true."
"Yeah it is. I just have to look hot and upload videos of myself. Maybe when you're my age you can do that too."
Regardless, I don't want any mess making, so this gave me a chance to test out the new playpens I downloaded. Now he's nice and safe from making a mess.
Were you going to look after him?
"No, I have to live stream my life. He better be out of that cage when I'm finished."
Somehow I think you're going to forget all about that by then.
"Nope, I'm a better mother than your Simself could ever dream of being."
That's not a real high bar there.
"Hello beautiful followers. I hope you're ready to enjoy watching me play whatever the heck this game is. I'm sure I'll win since I'm amazing at everything."
"I wouldn't laugh if I were you. You better watch your back, or you'll get thrown into scouts next."
"What's scouts?"
"Your worst nightmare."
"MOM Aubrey's trying to scare me."
"Please ignore the screaming from upstairs. That's one of my kids. Beside me is my wife Meg. We're watching TV and eating right now."
"Do people really want to know that stuff?"
"Yep, they want to know my every move."
"Here's one of my darling children right now, Ruelle. As you can see she's eating a healthy helping of pasta."
"The drone just ran out of batteries."
"Seriously? Before my followers could see how great of mom I am?"
"You know I think I like this. I can deal with kids this way. I can look at them, and I don't have to worry about them touching me or trying to follow me when I walk out of the room."
"You want to make sure you file your nails down, so they're nice and pointy, just in case you ever have to scratch anyone."
"Just a little bit of powder goes a long way. I wouldn't want to cover up all of my gorgeous face, now would I?"
"And that's how you get your face to look like mine, except not really because I don't use this brand since it's garbage."
So I forgot my Simself hadn't completed her aspiration yet. Time for some mentoring!
"Are you here to admire my beautiful painting skills."
"Actually it looks kind of like a beginner."
"A beginner? Me? Meg you're my wife! Support me!"
"I actually agree with Meg on this one. You're painting's kind of awful mom."
"I hate all of you."
"Now you know how I feel honey, never able to do anything good enough."
"Well that's why this painting sucks then because you don't know how to paint mom."
You look pretty excited for someone who doesn't like scouts.
"The faster I get these badges, the faster I can leave."
"OMG I hope I get to meet her!"
You have met her. Maybe if you didn't stand outside during her wedding you'd know what she looks like. It's probably for the best though.
"I never get invited to fancy stuff like this!"
"Yes, yes praise me. I am so charitable and giving. That's why I always give money when those randos hit me up."
You hang up on them.
"No I don't."
"Look. There are two of my children. Who wouldn't want to donate to someone so motherly and with a worthy cause?"
"What's the cause?"
"Um...it's the Arizona Fund."
"Mhm and what does the Arizona Fund do?"
"Provide money for me to pay for my donors, so I can get pregnant."
"What the f-"
"Are you going to donate or not?"
"I live in a house with your sister, my brother, their kid, my husband, and our two kids. We have one bedroom and one bathroom. I don't think you really need our money."
"Would you be willing to make, you know, the other kind of donation?"
"Fine. Here's $2,000."
"We're your only sisters, and you only like Lucy, not me."
"Is that anyway to talk to the most giving and selfless person on the planet?"
"I grew up with you. I would not describe you that way."
"I can make or break your reputation. Give me $2000, and I'll forget you ever said that."
"Fine, whatever."
"Aren't those the same thing?"
"No, they aren't."
"Well, I already gave her money."
"WHAT? How much did you give her?"
"I think around $2000. Lucy gave her that much too."
"Why? She's made $6000 from our house alone."
"It's charity."
"No, she's a scam artist. I'll publish an article about her. She'll never be able to pull this kind of crap again."
"That's mean."
"So, how does it feel to know you've swindled all of your family out of money that you're just going to keep and never donate."
"Ivy, Ivy, Ivy, you have no idea what I intend to do with that money."
"Get yourself pregnant."
"Isn't another me a charitable gift to the world."
"No comment."
"She hates him."
"She hates children."
"I think I'm going to leave now."
"Then I guess this is my only chance to make my move. Are you from Tennessee because you're the only ten I see?"
"Ew, how are you and why are you hitting on my mom?"
"You have kids? Never mind then."
"Thanks Avery."
"No problem, mom."
"This family is horrible. I'm never going to work for them again."
"I can hear you!"
"If you want something done right, gotta do it yourself I guess. Though manual labor like really sucks."
This is what you consider manual labor?
"Don't I know it. Just be glad you never had to live with her."
And we end Arizona's charity gala with Ianto making another mess. I'm pretty sure we'll never be invited back here again.
It's actually because I was too lazy to set everyone else's.
"Let me have this."
"Look at this. A trophy just for me. For being so wonderful, and kind, and giving. I'll cherish it always. I wish I had someone to polish it for me. No way I'm doing that myself."
"Um why are you two eating garbage food instead of real food."
"There's no food in the fridge, so this is the best we've got."
"I'm making food right now, if you want some."
"Mom you and I both know there's only enough for you."
"I need to hire a butler."
Maybe the can get inspired by your happiness?
Why do you need an umbrella to use the bathroom, or do I even want to know?
"You really don't."
"You're not my mom!"
I'm basically your grandma, and I say no bears in this household ever.
They're terrifying that's why.
"So since I'm apparently not inspiring enough, I'm just going to show you some toys or whatever. First here's an ugly red car. Who wants to play with a car? Who knows? Not my toy of choice. I want to play with the pretty dolls."
"I also might have 'borrowed' one of the dolls to let my son play with it. Clearly he gets to have more fun than I do."
"Seriously. Look at them! They're adorbs. But the script clearly says to show you the red car like 100,000 times."
"I don't care. I'm going off script. Look at this doll. She has a pretty dress! Almost as pretty as mine."
"Ugh I can't believe I peed myself. I feel like mom. At least I was done vlogging. Can you imagine if my followers saw that? I'd be ruined! Ruined I say!"
"We both got sent home with the same project Ruth. I can't help that it looks exactly the same."
"I'm Ruelle. Grandma doesn't even no my name."
"Shut up you two. I'm trying to finish MY project. Also grandma doesn't know anyone's name."
"Who are you, and what have you done with Arizona?"
"Do I have a choice in the matter?"
"No. I need one for my aspiration, and you're the only person who was available at the moment."
"Way to make me feel loved."
"Yeah, you should've finished first since you're older."
"I had to do chores for one of those stupid scouting badges. Leave me alone."
I would hope so considering you're the one who carried him.
"While you work on your blocks, I'll supervise while playing with this dinosaur, that may or may not also be from the toys they sent me to review."
It was probably your wife.
"How could she *sniff* be so cruel."
"Let's get this over with I guess."
"That means you're waiting for someone to die."
Unfortunately, yes.
"Well it's not going to be me!"
"I thought you hated scouts."
"NOT SO LOUD! I think they're listening to me."
"I'm pretty sure they bugged the scout board."
"That's ridiculous."
Ianto is definitely the favorite child at the moment. Everyone's always swarming around him, even Meg.
"What is this, and what happened to the hot tub?"
The hot tub, um, needed some repairs.
"Okay? Why is this hear though?"
You need a new hobby. Think of how smart your followers would think you were if you taught them about astronomy.
"I guess I could try it."
"Definitely three days after you visited me."
"Why do I keep getting notified that I'm about to die?"
Honestly? No idea. You have at least seven days left.
"You still haven't finished my aspiration."
"This is what I wear for a nice relaxing day on the beach. Too much jewelry you say? No such thing!"
"It's nice to show off this outfit. It like never snows in Sulani."
"How would you like to star in my next video Ianto? I don't think all of my followers believe I have kids even though I was mega pregnant in my last few videos."
"Ugh, get off of it."
"You'll regret it once I take over the world someday. You'll be public enemy number one!"
"If you take over the world, that'd make you a criminal, so you'd be public enemy number one."
"This potion stuff is kinda fun. The nice thing is that I can donate my potions and get another badge BECAUSE I LOVE SCOUTS SO MUCH."
"No. I just destroyed it. I will gaze upon my destruction."
It makes your wife cry.
"Fine, I'll fix it, but just for her, not because you told me to."
"I was never a kid."
"Everyone was a kid sometime."
"Not me. I magically appeared as a young adult."
"Could you teach me how to do that?"
"I would if I could remember how it happened."
"And that's why you're my favorite sibling, and I'm going to give you all my voidcritter cards when I age up."
"Why are you like this? I was just being nice to you!"
Ianto really doesn't like Aubrey. Their relationship with each other kept going down any time she tried to interact with him, for scouts of course. Maybe he knew she had an ulterior motive.
Speaking of babies, it's time for Zane and Zayd to grow up!
Here's Zane. He has the Angelic trait.
And Zayd got the Silly trait. Not bad!
Here is where I'll leave the Willowsburgs for now. I think next human donor I have, I'll go looking for a new hair color just to get some variety, though I think Ianto has Meg's hair color as his shade of brown hair is different from Arizona's. Maybe her new hobby will lead to a little surprise for her. Thanks for reading!
SimsNaNo Count
Pictures: 90
Words: 2,815
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