Saturday, November 30, 2019

Genetic Roulette Chapter 2

Welcome back to the Kane Genetic Roulette Challenge! Last time our founders Diana and Dionyza gave birth to the first two kids, Edgar and Francisca. Edgar was a Fairy like Diana, and Francisca is most likely a Vampire like Dionyza.

 Now that she has kids Dionyza's wants revolve pretty much solely around them. She's a good mom. Before she kept wanting to hunt sims instead of drink plasma juice (Because you know hunting down a terrified sim is way more fun I guess). I guess she doesn't want to risk that anymore now that she's a mother.

 Diana has become in love with PB&J sandwiches. She's always wanting to cook them. It's her new thing.

 I had her paint an "Insane" Abstract picture, but I'm not too impressed. I guess I was expecting something wilder.

 One thing I do appreciate about Sims 3 (and Sims 2 for that matter) is going back to the basics of just the three toddler skills. It's much easier for toddlers to max them than all the different ones in Sims 4.

 Francisca is seriously the fussiest baby ever. I don't know if it's because she's grumpy or what, but there's always something wrong with her.

 You can't tell from the picture, but Dionyza got promoted. Doesn't she just look thrilled?

Dionyza: I hate work.

Join the club. That's what you get for having a career based aspiration. Just think 2 levels down and 7 to go.

Dionyza: You're not helping.

  Two little fairy cuties!

 Diana: Are you saying I broke the dishwasher? Impossible? I wasn't anywhere near at the time of the crime.

You're standing in front of it right now.

Diana: You have no proof.

 Dionyza keeps getting opportunities to read books to improve her work performance, and I'm definitely taking them. I need all the help I can get to have her level up faster.

 Francisca is upset about something again.

Diana: Edgar was a much easier baby.

 Baby number 3 is on the way!

 Dionyza: Why are we having another one so soon? Can't we space them out?

I was going to, but I got impatient.

 Aaand I just noticed she was blinking during this picture. Of course. You can't really see it, but Francisca has the green hair and pink eyes. Also, I realized I keep putting everyone in pink. I don't even particularly like pink that much.

 Some quality mother daughter bonding time.

 I really love how helpful the playpen is!

 While attempting to make yet another PB&J sandwich, Diana goes into labor.

Maid: I don't get paid enough for this!
 Baby Gertrude joins the family! It looks like she might have a different wing color, which is cool. I thought those were inherited, but maybe not.

Gertrude likes Island Life music, French Toast, and the color Spiceberry. Her traits are Couch Potato and Friendly.

 Just some spam of these two being cute together!

 I was going to take a picture of everyone being asleep at the same time, but of course, the second I did went to do that Francisca woke up.

 I decided to send Diana out and about town. At the park she chilled by the fountain and met one of the townie kids.

 Once she arrived home, Diana found out that we're expecting baby number 4!

Dionyza is getting some extra snuggles in before Edgar ages up.

 Edgar had his child birthday, and added Neat to his list of traits. I really love how he looks so far.

 I just love Dionyza! She always rolls wants to buy fun stuff for the kids. She decided she wanted to try out hopscotch for herself.

 Edgar decides he wants to befriend the maid. At this point I wondered if service sims were allowed, but I didn't see anything against it in the rules. I'm just really playing for fun anyway.

 Baby number 4 decides to make an appearance!

 Welcome to the family Hubert! He likes Classical music, Fried PB&J (what is it with this family and PB&J?), and the color Pink. His traits are Easily Impressed and Athletic. I'm glad for some variety!

Just after Hubert was born, it was time for Gertrude to age up! She has Dionyza's brown  hair and the pink eyes.

Next time, Francisca will become a child, we'll get to see what Hubert looks like, and baby number 5 will most likely be on its way!

Edgar (Hair +10 Eyes +5) +15
Francisca (Hair +10 Eyes +10) +20
Gertrude (Hair +5 Eyes +10) +15
Total: 50 points


  1. You're getting a great mix of genetics, so many different colour combos! Hopefully they keep it up.

    1. Thanks! It's been interesting to see what I've gotten so far. I love the genetics system of the game.

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