The first sims to interact are Billy and Camilla. He doesn't know how much befriending her will likely benefit him in the future.
"I'm so sorry you husband and your sister died! I know what that's like, so I'm here for you."
"Yeah, I'm like so sad? Yeah sad's the word for it."
"Look I can make my leaves levitate in mid air!" Side note, but I think it's cool that Plantsims glow like aliens do when they feel emotions super strong.
"I'm a zombie. Braaaaains."
Andi is the first patient to talk to herself, but she certainly won't be the last.
I definitely thought I'd have a hard time getting Delia into the inspired mood, but I guess she's inspired by all the death and chaos around her.
Silas decides to pick up the guitar and play for the first time in his life for his captive audience. Andi and Billy think he sounds great, while Natalia looks like the music is making her ears bleed.
And on the first night in the asylum, Delia completes the first tier of her aspiration.
Look at this "cute" little picture Delia painted of their backyard.
I had to switch out the chairs at the bubble blower, so sims could actually use it. I'm hoping Andi and Silas autonomously get together, but we'll see what happens. They're the only ones in the house that have a actually been a couple before.
"I think Delia murdered everyone in the backyard."
"No way dude, that would be like totally uncool."
"Are you an idiot Jordan? Of course she killed everyone. We'll be lucky if she doesn't kill us next."
Delia takes a break from painting and tries stand up comedy. Sonia hates it, like a lot.
If looks could kill...
Since Delia's pissed off about Sonia hating her stand up act, she scribbles all over the canvas to express her feelings.
It's always best to avoid the angry, suspected murder, sim with a knife in her hand.
Silas was too late, and all the beds are full. He can't pretend to be asleep to hide from Delia.
I chose a tub instead of a shower, so Jordan could keep hydrated. Once they have enough money for a pool, I'll switch out the punching bag for it.
Sonia is one of Silas's like three friends in their original save, so it's nice to see them getting along.
"Those food is great right guys? Right?"
"Um....sure Jordan. Alright would be a good way to describe it."
"I haven't eaten human food in thousands of years, and if this is what it normally tastes like, I'm glad I haven't tried it sooner."
Seriously though, why are Camilla and Sonia even eating?
Sonia and Camilla have decided they hate each other and are going to fight.
Billy's trying to get a better view, Jordan's holding his butt like he just beat up, Andi's trying to get out of there, Delia's trying not to laugh, and Silas is horrified. I just love sim reaction to fights!
"I am victorious! Bow down to your new master."
"I want a rematch."
"Yes, please fight more. I love it when you're all in pain. I mean oops looks like someone heard that. I hate seeing you all so sad. You're my best friends."
"Is it hot in here or is it me?"
"You're hot!"
"No, I was being literal. It's hot so I grabbed a glass of water."
"Haha I was just joking. please ignore what I just said."
Andi has decided she's not picking sides between Camilla and Sonia. Neither of them care at all.
I can't remember who I decided died of Rabid Rodent Fever, but I love this ghost.
Hey it's Jordan's brother! I feel like this would be ghost hell. Eternally mopping up puddles from plumbing that will never be fixed.
"Oh my god it's a floating toilet! We're doomed!"
To make matters worse one of the ghosts decided to cook and start a fire. Because you know, ghosts definitely need food. I love how one of them is freaking out. Like you're a ghost! You can't die again!
I guess the bathroom is the place to go to hide from the fire, though it's probably a fire hazard to have that many people in such a small room.
"I hate living here!"
And we now have a pool! Of course Jordan was the first one to find it. I got rid of the punching bag, and switched out the tub for shower.
This is also where I decided to give Andi and Silas witch's hats and familiars, and I also added the negative lot traits.
Billy's going to be one of those sims that can't take care of himself. I can feel it.
"I hope this rat kills someone!"
A totally normal thing to say...
"Billy, you're disgusting. Please shower."
"Are you going to kill me?"
"Haha what would give you an idea like that?"
"I need blood. I need it bad!"
It's been close to a week, so I'm figuring Sonia and Camilla are close to needing a fix.
We're moving on up! Delia's completed the second tier of her aspiration.
Since Delia needed to travel to the museum to look at 3 paintings, I had to wait until the allotted time and bring everyone with her. This should be fun.
The feeding frenzy has begun. Camilla selects Jordan as her first target.
I love that the paparazzi is standing there acting like she doesn't care. Like there's a vampire drinking someone's blood, and it's everyone's first look at the people living in that rundown house in Oasis Spring's nice neighborhood.
Billy apparently hates art.
We're now able to afford one nice bed. Delia gets it of course because well, I don't think anyone's going to fight her for it.
Camilla gets some time in the pool now that it's dark out.
"I'm never going to drink your blood okay? Camilla's a monster."
"Sounds fake, but okay."
This ghost is one of Andi's brothers. He's so proud of breaking our sink.
"You know you need to fix the sink and toilet before mopping up the puddles right?"
"Shut up!"
Our first volcanic rock! Not going to lie I freaked out a little when the screen started shaking.
"I don't like this place. The people are weird, and they smell."
Well just finish your four aspirations, and you're out of here.
Some more flirtiness going on, this time between Andi and Camilla.
Camilla seems to get along pretty well with Natalia. They take turns scaring each other and then laugh about it.
*Insert evil laughter here*
"You're going to be my new boyfriend, okay Jordan?"
"What about like your dead husband?"
"Oh, him? I'm over that."
"Bubbles don't replace the taste of human blood."
Sonia has yet to snap and feed on anyone. I wonder if vampires can die of thirst?
It's Sonia's girlfriend! At least they're standing next to each other? I doubt any of the patients are going to start a romantic relationship with a ghost.
Ulysses's ghost got stuck outside for most of the morning crying over everyone's graves. He disappeared eventually.
I got a popup with Natalia being mad about Camilla drinking from humans. I guess Jordan is her favorite meal.
"You know you can drink from me if you want."
"No! I'm not going to drink from anyone. I'm a good vampire."
"You're so lame."
Be careful what you wish for Andi!
"That was horrifying, and I'm never going to do that again."
Seriously, poor Sonia looks traumatized.
"Can I join in your conversation? Can we be friends again? I'm sorry I bit you!"
I don't see how you're going anywhere when you're buried in the backyard.
Go away Caleb! We don't need anymore vampires here.
*sigh* Thanks for losing me more points. My face looked a lot like Natalia's.
Delia used the distraction of the fire to snag the nice bed again.
"Aren't you a cute little rat? Yes you are!"
Delia wanted to make an enemy, and since she has the lowest relationship with Sonia, I had her start a fight.
"How did you beat me? You're just a human."
"Wouldn't you like to know. It's because I'm better than everyone."
"Woo fights!"
Jordan once again decided to sleep in the pool all night, and day, and the next night. He really just doesn't leave.
"You're sort of a hottie."
"Thanks, you're like super hot yourself."
"Is someone else talking to MY man?"
"Hey Jordan can you get just a little bit closer?"
"Seriously? You're going to feed on him in broad daylight? Won't you burn or something?"
"It's a chance I'm willing to take."
"Why did I pick him again? He's really stupid."
I'm just going by your whims.
"Need more blood!"
"You're not getting anymore from me this time."
Delia's husband and sister are out tonight, plus the rodent ghost.
Seriously why do ghosts still need food?
"If they weren't already dead, I'd kill them again for stealing my pancakes!"
Poor Natalia was so close to the bed! We have all comfy beds now, so no more tenseness from sleeping in the kiddy beds.
Billy was Sonia's next victim.
"Oh crap! I think I just did drugs!"
Quit cleaning! I want someone to be bitten by a dirty rat!
"I love you even when you make weird dolphin noises."
"Hey Jordan-"
"Not now. You called my dolphin noises weird, and it totally hurt my feelings."
Are you serious Silas? Again? Do you not know how to cook at all?
I kind of don't blame Sonia for fighting him after starting another fire.
"This is getting too easy. It's like taking candy from a baby."
Heh a ghost getting scared by another ghost.
It seems like Sonia has a taste for blood, and now she can't stop drinking from her fellow housemates.
"What did I ever do to you?"
"Wore a stupid hat!"
I made a club that encouraged friendly, funny, mean, mischievous, and romantic interactions just so everyone would interact more. All the same to do is fight for the most part.
I think, other than the art gallery, this is the only time I've seen Billy get mad.
Since I was tired of everyone always being in the pool, and Delia had the whim for it, I bought the rock climbing wall.
Sonia is slowly losing it. She's fighting the ghosts now.
"La, la, la just ignoring the fights and painting away."
Natalia is sick now (and wearing a weird outfit). Hopefully she doesn't pass it on to the rest of the house.
Delia's finally on the last tier of her first aspiration!
My heart *sniffs*
"Why do you hate me so much?"
Yeah because you totally ask permission to drink from people Sonia.
They may hate each other, but they're the ones that are constantly cleaning up the messes made by the ghosts.
Sonia continues to be beaten by humans in fights. The one with Andi was super weird. Sonia gave her a hug, and then she decided to beat her up.
Tired of fighting, Sonia decided to drink from Billy to refuel.
"At least it's not me this time?'
I guess Sonia's stronger at night? This time she won her fight with Jordan.
I missed it, but Natalia gave Silas a kiss on the cheek.
Romantic interactions so far:
Delia and Jordan flirting
Andi and Camilla flirting
Jordan and Andi flirting (not pictured)
Natalia kissing Jordan on the cheek (also not pictured)
Now, Natalia and Silas.
And Delia's finished! Next up Clubbing.
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